Some companies are omitting layoff details in their WARN notices
DoorDash, Snap, & Rivian among companies who are not reporting job titles, roles affected details
In our analysis of California WARN notices* from recent large tech layoffs we have found that some companies such as DoorDash, Snap Inc., and Rivian are not disclosing important information regarding the job titles and roles affected in these notices. This is unlike WARN notices from most other companies such as Google, Meta, Amazon which provide detailed information in the notices themselves.
For example, Doordash's WARN notice states that the information is available upon request via email, but we have not received a response in weeks. This is a significant reason why the data on WARNTracker may be incomplete.
We are striving to keep the data on WARNTracker accurate and comprehensive. If anyone has thoughts on this, please contact us! It may be that certain companies are able to not disclose titles (or conversely have to disclose titles) due to esoteric differences in the law.
👉 More details in our blog post here: